Yo yo yo Fans!
Welcome once again to another episode of HeelanHammer! 30th of the month can only mean one thing, more Warhammer goodness to your ears. Today we chat about Battle Plans, Battle Tomes, Battles…. all this and more on today’s Heeeeeeelanhammmmaaaaaaa…………
Episode 137: Battle Tome
00:02: News: News from Games Workshop and the community
00:34: War-room: We chat about a recent game using the ‘Battle against Time’ scenario
00:54: Story of the Week: A review of the new Stormcast Eternal’s Battle Tome
01:12 Beardy Weirdy Weeks: What we’ve been up to in the hobby
01:32: Closing remarks
01:31 End of Show
Download Link: Download Link EP137
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