Episode 65: Rogres

Aug 09, 2011 No Comments by

Yo yo yo,

Welcome one and all to another installment of HeelanHammer. Today Wayne and I mostly have a catch up, chat about what we’ve been up to, new releases etc. Probably not our greatest show in terms of content, but still well worth a listen as this show sparks an idea that is to shape the next 8 Months on HeelanHammer. We have another half hour show on this ‘idea’ that will go up next week before Dan’s trip to the European Team Championships.

As always, once you’ve had a listen be sure to check out our sponsors Maelstrom Games for all your hobby needs, plus be sure to check out the awesome Bane Legions for the latest releases to add some character to your army.

Until next time,

Dan & Wayne

P.s a great Tomb King show up on the SAWC Section


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